For centuries bread has served as a natural source of grains and fibre essential to our health. At Lantmännen Unibake, we are innovating our baking techniques and exploring healthier alternatives to traditional ingredients – without compromising taste. Our main ambition is to positively impact public health by more than doubling the volume of healthier products by 2030.

Our goals

By 2030

  • 100% of our bread and fast-food bread volume contains minimum 3% fibre, and 30% of wheat bread contains minimum 6% fibre.
  • 33% of the grain ingredients in our wheat bread and rye bread is wholegrain.
  • 10% reduction of average salt content in wheat bread, rye bread and fast-food bread.
  • 10% reduction of average kcal per serving and 40% of sweets portfolio to contain max 250kcal per serving.

Crucial areas

For the climate, health, and people pillars in our sustainability plan we have defined a set of crucial areas. Each crucial area represents an opportunity to improve our operations and implement a more sustainable practice. On health we have identified four crucial areas.


Increase wholegrain

Because 27-84% of all wholegrains in the diet come from bread, we focus on increasing wholegrain contents in our wheat and rye bread.


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Increase fibre

Because 14-35% of all fibre in the diet come from bread, we will increase the fibre content in our wheat bread and fast-food bread buns and rolls.


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Decrease salt

Because 25-35% of all salt in the diet comes from bread, we are decreasing the salt content in our bread and fast-food bread buns and rolls.


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Reduce calories

  Because our sweets category plays a role in diets as a source of energy, we are decreasing calorie content in our sweets and rolls, and we are offering more mini and medium portion sizes.

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Lifestyle related diseases on the rise

Industrialized production of foods, rapid urbanization, and changing lifestyles are transforming dietary patterns. People around the world eat more saturated fat, sugar, and salt than what is recommended. Bread – particularly bread containing wholegrains – is an excellent source of nutrients, not least fibre. Bread also contains a lot of essential vitamins and minerals.