Lantmännen Unibake Sweden has relaunched fast-food products with more wholegrain and fibre

Recently, Lantmännen Unibake Sweden relaunched a series of hamburger buns and hotdog rolls with more wholegrain and fibre. The goal is to make it more interesting for Swedish consumers to choose healthier alternatives to conventional fast-food products.
Lantmännen Unibake Sweden is the industry leading company on fast-food products for the retail market in Sweden. The typical hamburger bun or hotdog roll is white and soft, and most consumers typically like their fast-food products just as they are. But market research has shown that a lot of consumers would actually like to eat healthier products. Thus, according to a 2022 survey conducted by Opeepl and LU Health & Nutrition, 71% of Swedish consumers are aware of at least some of the health benefits from dietary fibres (63% for wholegrains), and 68% state that they are interested in buying hamburger buns with whole grain (58% for fibre enhanced buns).
As a company with the size to make an impact, Lantmännen Unibake Sweden decided to relaunch a series of hamburger buns and hotdog rolls from the popular brand Korvbrödsbagarn. Compared to conventional fast-food products, the new buns and rolls are richer in fibre and wholegrain, and the bread products’ slow starch makes you feel full for a longer time.
“Healthier fast-food products in retail are not a big category, so we must temper our expectations in terms of market share. But we are satisfied with the launch of Korvbrödsbagarn’s new products. We have set out on a journey, and it is going to take time before consumers get used to choosing healthier alternatives,” says Per Jonsson, Category Manager at Lantmännen Unibake Sweden.
A growing consumer trend
One of the biggest challenges when adding more wholegrain and fibre to conventional wheat products is the texture, color, and moisture. Consumers are used to a soft initial sensation in the mouth when they take a bite followed by the smoothness and fattiness of a typical fast-food bun or roll. Bread products rich on fibre and wholegrain behave differently in the mouth.
“We have worked hard on making the products softer and juicier, and we use white wheat which make the products lighter in color. We think that will smooth out the differences and hopefully convince more consumers to try a healthier alternative,” Per Jonsson says.
He adds that Korvbrödsbagarn’s relaunched products work in harmony with the growing trend to eat more plant-based.
“From studies, we know that consumers who seek healthier fast-food alternatives are also consumers who are open for eating less meat. In that regard, our new products also tap into a growing customer segment,” Per Jonsson says.
“As a market leader, we have an obligation to work towards a more sustainable future. Our relaunched products represent a modern approach to a popular category of products where innovation is needed if we truly care about public health.”
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